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Michigan Student Data System

Welcome to SDS

The Student Data System is a repository that contains information regarding students receiving education in the State of Michigan.

What's New
Fall MSDS Important Dates
  • Fall 2024 General
    • Oct. 24: Data quality checks performed on data submitted before this date
    • Nov. 6: Certification deadline
    • Nov. 13: Recertification deadline
  • Fall 2024 Early Childhood
    • Reporting Period: Beginning of program year through Oct. 31
    • Oct. 29: Data quality checks performed on data submitted before this date
    • Nov. 13: Certification deadline

GAD Exit Status Audit Window: October 14 - November 27

The Graduation and Dropout application (GAD) is open from Monday, October 14 through Wednesday, November 27, 2024, for ISD auditors to conduct the annual audit of active cohorts (2022 through 2027). District authorized users may also preview auditable graduation and dropout rates in GAD.